The disinformation machine Russia has created has caused a plethora of global chaos, it’s time the rest of us put an end to their madness!

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Hogwash reasoning.

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That's the best the trump cult has. Hogwash. Keep swallowing it down as your cult leader feeds it to you.

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Aug 4Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Kamala rocks!

Russia used this strategy in Crimea to create conflict which Russia used as an excuse to "Restore order" by invading.

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Hogwash! The WEF, Soros and others want to destroy Western civilization by sending unmanageable numbers of illegal migrants; Russia has nothing to do with it.

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Russian troll!

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Go spread your Russian propaganda bullshit somewhere else, Sergey.

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Delusional moron.

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Best to ignore. They are trained to say stupid crap like this to pull people in and inflame emotions. Let them die on the thread.

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Aug 9Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Yes, everything you spew is hogwash. You know it so well weirdo.

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Aug 7Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

I assume you have some sagely articles you can link us to which explains how this is being done?

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And Clif High has plenty to say about the globalist depopulation agenda; here is one of numerous podcasts/videos he has produced: https://open.substack.com/pub/clifhigh/p/smackeraled-normies?r=17x4rq&utm_medium=ios

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He must be huffing his own supply to believe such factfree garbage. But we know you traitors don't like facts.

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Natural News spreads Russian propaganda bullshit.

Natural News is a far-right, anti-vaccination conspiracy theory and fake news website known for promoting alternative medicine, pseudoscience, disinformation, and far-right extremism.


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Aug 9·edited Aug 9Author

Russia sending migrants to our border, Estonia says


Russia puts migrants on scooters and tells them to cross border into Europe


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Vovka, the jig is up and the DOJ is fighting back. No more Putin sock-puppet presidents for us. Putin is evil!

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You’re SO full of BULLSHIT!

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Aug 5Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Kamala rocks!

Of course ...because we have Musk , Kushner , tRump all in on this together . Sadly when NASA gave Musk the 2.8 billion $$ the plan was already in order to eventually get to this point. Now we have all these Unamerican traitors involved in the destruction of the democracy powers and their entire existence thrives off fucking over citizens with our own tax payers backed funding . And AI is a huge part in all this . Musk really screwed us , Kushners corrupt as hell and tRumps selling us our . ..need I say anymore ?

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Isn’t it about time for that 5 foot Russian dictator to face a world of resistance, his global disinformation campaign should meet an open window!

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Aug 5Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Russia really causes 95% of the world


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That's Rubbish sorry, just what Country has been involved in a war during every single year since independence? Russia has had a few years during the Cold war they were not involved in any conflicts yet America was and still is. Both the East and the Western Government's have used propaganda against each other! It seems to be" the power of the cause" ! It's time for all Major World Leaders East and West to come together and use their Mouths and brains ( in sync) and Damn well talk it out and damn well go into the talks prepared to Compromise! Netanyahu and his Government need to face Justice! If that happens the rest of the world leaders will know they have to stay within International Law.

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The only 95% you have to understand is the USA congress and Senate are on Israel’s payroll welcome to reality.

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ZioNazi are the cause you are barking up the wrong tree.

Free Palestine

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Aug 6·edited Aug 6Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

meanwhile Drumph is publicly kissing Putins ass.

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Aug 6Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Climate change and dis-information are humanity’s 2 greatest threats IMO.

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Climate change IS disinformation.

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You Russian trolls are pathetic.

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IGNORE THE TROLLS. They are trained to distract & introduce Bullshit. DO NOT RESPOND TO THEM. He or she called Vovka is obviously a troll. Shut them out.

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Aug 9Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Cries the disinformation spewer

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Zionism and it’s USA stooges including the UK and all there collaborators

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By now, if people are too dumb to realize what Putin has been doing, they should be locked up as a danger to society.

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Please explain “what Putin has been doing.” If kicking out the globalist banksters, encouraging family values, promoting organic, non-GMO farming, shutting down DARPA/CIA bioweapons labs in Ukraine, and destroying the whole WEF/UN/WHO/NATO/EU/Deep State agenda is “what Putin has been doing,” then I must be really dumb to be in support of such humanity-saving actions. If you prefer to be a medical, climate, military-industrial bankster woke complex slave, so be it, but it is not for me.

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More factfree delusions. Have fun failing with Vlad. Its fun to watch from the safety of America.

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Aug 5Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

divide and conquer is at least as old as Rome but probably older

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Aug 8Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Last night there was significant push back against the far right all across the UK with large turn outs of anti fascist protesters. All is not lost, with no thanks to Musk and other enablers.

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Aug 5Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

They are also trolling the left and extreme left with conspiracy theories. Some of my family members in the Netherlands have gone completely bonkers believing all that bs and moving from center left to now more and more extreme left.

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Aug 9Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Sure thing. Cool story bro. The extreme right cant even tell you what the extreme left is. They need to make up stories that don't have any truths.

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Not sure what you’re replying to or what you think you’ve read because your answer doesn’t really make sense in reply to my comment? To add more specificity to my comment; a lot on the extreme left believes the nutty conspiracy theories as well, especially in Europe it’s the extreme left that cries about vaccines with chips, chem trails and what not. Those trolls and bots who spread that shit have got a hold of them as well.

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Aug 5Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Kamala rocks!

Well, “Steven,” I bet they don’t talk much about disinformation in your country.

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Aug 9Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

The far right doesnt like being called out for their dirty deeds. Keep claiming it's all the lefts fault and see how that works out this election. And please keep crying about fake stolen elections. And how you're so morally superior for being the facsist cult of a con man.

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Aug 8Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

And Musk.

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I don't know. This sounds like the old "Russia bad, US good" stuff. And "US good, China bad" stuff. But it is always the US killing and enabling killing everywhere. I mean you could be right, but I got my doubts.

I just learned about Ghandi today. As amazing as MLK Jr was, Ghandi was even more. Martin would so agree. There is real power in love and non violence.

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Thanks for showing everyone what a Russian propaganda troll looks like, Sergey.

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A lame one

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Aug 5Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

Oh boy…..🙆🏼‍♀️

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Does Russia have children doing their trolling?

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I agree. It’s far more likely the Israeli government is behind the anti-Islamic propaganda. Along with the US and British governments. These 3 governments lie more than any other government in the world, yet people still believe what they say.

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You're not very credible.

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US people are good, but US foreign policy is the very worst.

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USA is under Zionist control 95% of congress and senate are on AIPAC payroll until that occupation ends there will be more divide and conquer.

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Sep 9Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

I’ve watched a YouTube video describing the decades long program put into place by Russia to spread misinformation in order to destabilize the west and it was really extensive.

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