Thank You, Oliver, for writing about All the Disinformation out there! The American people are Not all clueless, but allot of of people simply don't that their being manipulated?! I'm thankful for you listening some of the Usual Suspects,so folks can reference for themselves. Once again, Corporate Media only covers the "Scandalous Drama" not what it's doing to our nation or the public at large. I applaud you on another excellent piece this morning.💙🇺🇸

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Thank you for the feedback, Karen!

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Thanks for gathering info in one place. I'm certain I have interacted w trolls, mostly knowingly, lol

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Yes, I’m certain I have interacted with them, too. I developed a knack for sniffing them out in comments online. Often they posed as “concerned” Americans just tryna point out this and that in a “both sides” way. After awhile I’d be seeing the same screen names, sometimes seemingly supporting Dems, then attacking “libtard policies” in another. Many were rabidly anti (fill in the blank). It’s tiresome posting counter arguments and probably only helpful to the troll farm operatives in terms of gaining them ammunition for the Kremlin’s agenda. So I’ve ceased my efforts 100% and devote my energies here on Substack instead.

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Here in Canada we looooove the CBC!!! Adrian Arsenault is so amazing! Sorry, just couldn’t keep it to myself.

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Thanks for the links!

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arrgh. fut a whuckingMess

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Thank you for this info.

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Any thoughts on why we’ve known most of this for 8 years and it’s only coming to a head now?

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I've been asking myself that for years.

I have been writing about Russian trolls for years and it has been absolutely bizarre that the corporate media just ignores that a foreign army of disinformation agents is promoting fascism and civil war in western democracies, to destroy us from the inside.

You'd think the media would be all over this, but nope. Sports, celebrity gossip, and ratings are more important than saving democracy.

It might also be a factor, that billionaires own the corporate media and social media, and billionaires want to get more billionaire tax cuts from Trump.

Their profits are more important to them than the good of the country or the lives of working class people.

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Appreciate the article on Jessikka Aro. It’s good to see journalists in other countries tackling this issue as well.

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This is literally the biggest story regarding US politics and the upcoming presidential election and I’ve heard little in the “mainstream media” about it.

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One has to wonder why more resource wasn't employed to combat Russian disinfo campaigns, and why did it take until Oct 24 for the story to break about Elon Musk's contacts with Putin? i keep saying Russia invaded the US without firing a shot.

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I’m going to watch “agents of chaos now.” It’s a huge problem. Putin has helped trump every step

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Boris truly exists on many a comment section.

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Thank you for always being so jealous of me. Thanks to you, I will work even harder, and I hope you continue to be jealous.

——The Power of Insensitivity(written by Junichi Watanabe)

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Read Yuri Bezmenov's Love Letter to America.

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