I had to stop reading because of the level of ‘unsaid & said aggression’ was off the charts. It is frightening. I saved your 12 signs meme and will use it on them. I saved the meme at the bottom too. I had one block me yesterday for calling him Sergei, mission accomplished!

Keep up the good work, Oliver 💙

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Thanks for the support, Donna! That means a lot to me. Lol yeah, they hate it when you mock them with "Ok Sergey." It's like "Ok Boomer" but for Russian trolls. 😄

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I usually say “sure, Vlad”. But I will have to work in “okay, Sergei!” I’m an info tech professional, and I’ve seen this problem play out before my eyes for years. We have to legislate social media companies and enforce not only content standards and liability as though they are classic media companies, but we must require real ID for accounts. Social media is Putin’s playground, and there’s no reason in the world he and his scum farms should be allowed continued free reign. Eff Putin and eff every single disgusting troll out there.

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I absolutely agree about real ID online. People couldn't handle a video link between NY and Ireland, and they absolutely cannot handle anonymous internet. Too many assholes hiding behind the anonymity while spitefully and maliciously hurting others. The only way to stop that is to be able to identify the person who is threatening or harassing you.

And it's the only way to stop the Russian onslaught of toxic disinformation.

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I got it from you, and it worked! Stay safe, I don’t trust any of them.

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Thanks, you too!

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You must know my 24-point "YOU MUST BE A TRUMPETOON" questionnaire that I post when such morons troll me. After I post it, I block the jerk. If not, just reach out in a message.

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Yeah, I had to scroll some of that, too...it's upsetting.

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I will use Sergey Sergei too. I have used bot much?, and got zero pushback, no response, which says all I need to know, but I invested and it’s what they want. Distracts. Sidelines, battling ghosts. Instead I must ignore, keep eye on prize.

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You sound nuts. Hope you have a crappy day, Comrade!!

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Dear Sergei, GFY 😁

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Dear OhDonna, "Ow. I feel confident I hit a nerve. Ha ha!" Yours says I'm blocked. So, I figure that only means that YOU won't see this.

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Ouch, your account says you’re a Russian Troll. Blocked forever!!

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Does Putin still pay you guys fifty cents a post?? You’re not worth it.

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This is great information. Thank you.

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Thanks! I'm glad you find it useful.

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Really scary! Russian trolls have done so much harm to America.

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one of them supposedly american woman, wanted to know more about me too. I just kept on screaming at her for being a troll filled with russian propaganda LIES. those fucks.

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No wonder I got booted from Reddit for an anti-Russian comment!

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It seems you've angered them. Good work.

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Damn. Scary. And the SM owners are allowing it. Fucking traitors

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This is truly scary stuff to me...not just because of the Russian attempt to take us over on the Internet front, but because while these guys are basically paid keyboard commandos...we have seen that some of them can go berserk and cause fatal chaos.

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Hey Oliver!

Can you pass on their email address to me?

I'll take $1000/month to stop talking about Russia.

Kaythxbai 😄

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Lol never take money from the mob. You'll owe them a favor:

"How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business. After his financial disasters two decades ago, no U.S. bank would touch him. Then foreign money began flowing in."


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Dude! Fuck! Thank you for going through all of that in the name of democracy.

Huge respect and appreciation for all that you do.

I don’t think I would have the resilience and mental fortitude to not let that shit get me down.

This whole Russian troll thing needs to be in the media big time, but maybe even big media is compromised?

We need more independent media out there. Keep up the good work!

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Thank you, Simon! I really appreciate it!

I agree, Russia's cyberwar against the west should be the #1 news item every day. It's bizarre that the corporate media barely mentions it at all.

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Wow 😳. Operator Starsky on YT was just talking about this, but this is the first time I have actually seen an example of what they do. So sorry that you experienced this c**p. Best response to a bully is to keep on keeping on with your good journalism.

When they threaten to kill you, I guess they don’t understand that here there are four guns for every American citizen. Ruzzians aren’t up to the task of taking us on face to face. My generation grew up with wars and are gun literate. That includes me. My grand parents emigrated from Lviv area of Ukraine around 1908. That was Tsarist Russia controlled then. There was no love for Russians in our extended family. Now I have a much better understanding of the reasons why because I keep track of what is happening in Ukraine. I subscribed.

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Yikes. My cortisol would be thru the roof if I were you. So glad now that I’m not on Reddit

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All the more reason to dump social media. Some people get off on the back and forth, but it’s so low-brow. It’s time to go back to hardcopy news papers and leave the children in the basement.

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Can you find a good hacker to locate where they are? If they're here in U.S can we take legal action? FBI?

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😂😂 Great Job here today, a lot of good information and giggles aside, I trust your judgement on such matters. Thank You,as always, will reStack ASAP 💯👍

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Thank you for your voice and your courage to pursue the truth. Thank you for your wisdom to launch a counter attack. It’s time for all of us to begin the Art of War. One Russian Sergei at a time.

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