Jun 1Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Kamala rocks!

The Ron Paul Institute was parroting Russian propaganda right before Russia invaded UkraIne, nearly word for word.

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May 26Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Kamala rocks!

May the Libertarians/MAGAts all die of preventable diseases.

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May 7Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Kamala rocks!

…still looking up the sky waiting for “putin’s nukes”? …he doesn’t have any functioning ones, his weapons are: PROPAGANDA, CORRUPTION and TERRORISM


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May 7Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy, Kamala rocks!

Great video! I hope folks watch and spread it like #SeedandWeed

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How can the NY TIMES make this excellent video and then support Trump by trying to sabotage Biden’s bid for reelection???????

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Sep 9Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

D. Earl Stephens talks to issues with NYTimes from experience. Check out his substack. The NYTimes simply is not doing their job as an independent news source by not publishing the reports that give the people of America all of the facts they need to make an informed decision at the polls. They are not telling any of the story of Trumps incompetencies, lies, plans, or failures. All of these should be on page one and yet they are not to be found on any page. So the fact that they are printing and making videos that are honest and excellent does not mean that they are doing their job.

Earl explains it better.

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Aug 27Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

At this stage everyone needs to look after themselves because I’m beginning to not give a rats ass what the cult thinks about anything including vaccinations. They are exhausting. Polio chicken pox whatever. Giddy up.

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So it occurs to me that Mr. Oliver Marcus Malloy is now doing the jobs of 16,000 certified journalists that CNN said are working in America.

Thank you sir!

Thank you for putting together a huge number of disparate stories to draw the picture clearly for the Americans who would otherwise be left in the dark.

That is exactly what all those supposedly certified journalists are supposed to be doing. And I have to mention an analogy that explains things like this to me: If a journalist were to get on an airplane that had a problem, would he/she report the problem? Or would the report include all the problems? Or would it include data concerning all the problems and all the records of all the maintenance issues and personnel issues and financial issues that lead to the problem. Would the journalist give all potential passengers and all businesses dependent on that airline enough information to make informed decisions about risking their futures and lives by using that airline?

I am really curious why our free and independent press doesn’t seem free in exposing all of the problems with all the candidates in all of the elections. Perhaps they are scared witless by the enormity of just one candidate’s issues. Or perhaps they are not free and independent at all.

Only Mr. Oliver Marcus Malloy and hundreds of others on Substack seem to be free and independent.

Thank you Mr. Malloy!

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And thank you David; that was an excellent summation, said better than I could have, with which I completely agree.

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You have zero idea what you’re talking about when it comes to Rand Paul. Je is the only one that kept the pressure on the NIH and now they have finally admitted what we have known all along. That the NIH funded the research in China that killed millions of people.

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RFK Jr is a corrupt Putin stooge just like the rest of the MAGA traitors


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RFK is just as extreme as the rest of left, but since he disagrees with one thing that the left has done its best to use to control people lives then he has to be destroyed

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May 20·edited May 20Author

Trump Calls RFK Jr. ‘Great for MAGA’ and a ‘Better Man’ Than Biden: ‘If I Were a Democrat, I’d Vote for RFK Jr.’


Kinzinger says RFK Jr.’s campaign ‘hijacked by MAGA’


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Trump is not the smartest man on the block. But that does not change who RFK is. He is still an extreme leftist (by saying extreme and leftist I am being redundant).

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Donald Trump and RFK Jr have the same largest donor


More evidence that RFK Junior is working for Trump


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Yep they are best pals

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May 26Liked by Oliver Markus Malloy

RFK, Jr isn’t “left,” “right” or otherwise—he’s backwards and his worm-infested, drug addled brain doesn’t deserve serious discussion.

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lol yep he is every bit a leftist. He agrees with 90% of what the left agrees with

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Funny how you keep sticking up for Russian assets, Sergey. But I'm sure that's just a coincidence, amirite Sergey?

Donald Trump and RFK Jr have the same largest donor


More evidence that RFK Junior is working for Trump


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Wow Oliver! Thank you for a master class in baiting a Russian troll! You totally pwned Brad(Dimitri)Luckey! I read all the way to the bottom of the string, but I wanted my comment back near the top.

Now I can go to bed with a warm sense of satisfaction. Please continue to smite the orcs.

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You know I have asked numerous times to point out the lies you keep saying to me and you never do. So I will ask you again and try again to get you to be honest, where have I “stuck” up for a Russian asset. Except you believe anyone that does not agree with the leftist agenda is a “Russian” asset

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We can only hope.

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Brad Luckey: FAKE NEWS!!!

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Read RFK JR’s book about Fauci. He states up front that the book is based upon “existential truths” not facts and then launches into He-said / She-said monologues leading to innuendo. He does the same thing when he speaks. There are a number of reasons his family does not support him. He has a number of very serious medical issues. So sad, not his fault.

But you seem young and inexperienced. Please study more and better support your rationale.

All the best,


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