The rank hypocrisy and treachery are staggering from a party that once claimed to be true patriots and defenders of law and order. Now the only thing they defend is the most corrupt and treacherous individual to ever pollute the office of the presidency. The Republican Party is criminal in its conspiracy to sell the American people for a few pieces of silver. They’re worse than Judas who betrayed the saviour they and their hypocritical evangelicals claim to worship.
There is no question anymore that Russia Russia Russia was completely accurate whether the hold be sexual, criminal, financial or all three.
The rank hypocrisy and treachery are staggering from a party that once claimed to be true patriots and defenders of law and order. Now the only thing they defend is the most corrupt and treacherous individual to ever pollute the office of the presidency. The Republican Party is criminal in its conspiracy to sell the American people for a few pieces of silver. They’re worse than Judas who betrayed the saviour they and their hypocritical evangelicals claim to worship.
CNN?? Hahha the MOST corrupted news ever … youre lost !!